PredictLand at the IV Heath 2.0 ZGZ Meeting: Data Science and Health. Success stories in Aragón

Last week we had the honor and pleasure of participating in the IV Health 2.0 Zaragoza Meeting, dedicated to Data Science and Health, with Success Cases in Aragon.

We would like to thank Health 2.0 Zaragoza for inviting us to participate in this magnificent meeting, and Impact Hub Zaragoza for its great organization and facilities.

Here is a summary of our presentation:

In the maelstrom of the current Digital Transformation of Business and Society, Big Data, Data Science and Predictive Analytics are areas of work and knowledge that are becoming more and more important. In this presentation we saw a glimpse of what is behind these concepts, showing some analogies between Use Cases of “traditional” Businesses and those of the Health field. We also ended up talking about how to apply these Techniques to People, as individuals in Society and Companies, explaining our close Collaboration with Healthy Emotions and its Product to improve the Health, Well-being and Happiness of People both in the Company and in their Personal life.

Foto Health 2.0

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