IA consulting for business

At PredictLand, we prioritize business needs from the start.

The recent evolution of Artificial Intelligence has generated a multitude of systems, platforms and concepts applicable to the business environment, albeit with varying degrees of maturity. Our task is to distinguish between the“hype” and the real capabilities that companies can leverage, balancing experimentation with tangible results.

We meet with business executives to identify and implement applications with a significant impact on their bottom line. Our process is developed in four stages:

Impact analysis, Technical preparation, Pilot phase, Development and deployment - IA consulting for businesses

1 – Impact analysis

Each company is unique, and requires specific answers. With techniques that are constantly evolving, we estimate scenarios considering costs, time and the risks associated with technological development.

We focus especially on the following stages:

  • Alignment with company strategy
  • Identification of business objectives and KPIs
  • Selection of tangible value projects
  • Cost-benefit analysis
  • Risks vs. opportunity cost

2 – Technical preparation

We prepare the project technically through multidisciplinary team building, data analysis and AI model evaluation.

  • Creation of a mixed team: business + data scientists
  • Study of the data: contribution, availability, quality, variable engineering
  • Model selection and AI techniques
  • Anticipating integration: technical architecture, interfaces, infrastructures

3 – Pilot phase

Pilots are crucial to evaluate the quality of the model and data, and to optimize the system to validate the business impact.

  • Model training
  • Optimization for accuracy and performance
  • Fit loops on corpus and model
  • Business validation: accuracy and actionability

4- Development and deployment

We take the solution to production and scale it appropriately in the company’s areas.

  • Full model scaling and training
  • Integration and production start-up
  • Formation of teams
  • Monitoring and maintenance

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